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Be Activated Australia Online Training Courses

‘The Douglas Heel Method’

International CPD course

Presented by Douglas Heel - assisted by Carel Wildenboer

Be Activated for YOU

Collectively we have an immense amount of knowledge and street smarts, and we need to be sharing with one another. It is too easy to be drowned out by the opinions of experts.

Introduction to Be Activated (muscle activation) - where it all began

Everyone starts somewhere - this was the first tool created for my clients - all funds to Peninsula School Feeding

Be Activated Runners Program

Activation had a great partnership with New Balance in South Africa. We would do athlete evenings and staff trainings to share ideas of performance and preventing and overcoming injuries.

BeActivated 123 Testing

Every client runs a 123 pattern - learn to assess and give meaning to the pattern

Activate your Swing

Empowering your body to play much better golf, much better!

Activation for therapists and trainers

People come to workshops with me for many reasons, but the most important one is they felt what activation did in their body and they want to know more..

Therapist and Trainer program Bundle 1

Therapist and Trainer program and Workshop Series Level 1 Dublin

Therapist and Trainer program Bundle 2

123 testing, Workshop series level 1 Dublin & workshop series level 1 Australia!

Therapist and Trainer program Bundle 3

123 testing, Therapist and trainers & workshop series level 1 Dublin and level 1 Australia

Workshop series level 1 - Australia

Join us in Sydney for a two day level 1 workshop

Workshop series level 1 - Dublin

Join us in Dublin for a full two day level 1 workshop

Don’t take our word for it

“I feel that the Be Activated course provides a new way of thinking and approaching a patient which is invaluable and appeals to the most natural way for the body to function. This will change my approach and treatment with patients.”

Natasha Jean Flemmer, Chiropractor

“This course was amazing. Opened a whole new world to therapy. Treating the origin- not only symptoms and long-term solution”

Joe-Marie Venter, Physiotherapist

“This course answered questions I didn’t know I had. I understand my own body more – I can now help others. Thank you"

Tania Ramos, Physiotherapist

“Absolutely fantastic course! It’s amazing to see how the body can respond so rapidly just from releasing / activating muscle & fascia.”

Zukisa Mgikela, Physiotherapist

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